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What have I learned about nutrition from my 2 year old dog


When we think of nutrition experts, we often envision dieticians, doctors, or wellness coaches. However, my journey through understanding the intricacies of nutrition took a rather unexpected guru – my two-year-old dog, Rocky. His journey from puppyhood to adolescence has been a revelation in understanding nutrition’s fundamental principles, making me reevaluate our own human diets.

A Dog’s digestive system is fundamentally different from that of a human being. Their stomach is more acidic so it can break down large pieces of meat and bone. Food is kept in the stomach for a longer period of time, allowing the acid to break down animal proteins, bones, and fats. This explains why dogs can live with being fed only once or twice a day. They feel full longer because the food remains in their stomach longer.

Dogs-Digestive tract is a lot smaller. This means the dogs have less time to absorb nutrients from their food. This is why dogs do better on foods that are easily broken down such as meats bones and organs. But can struggle on complex foods such as plants and grains. This also means that bacteria have less time to multiply and cause problems. Ever seen your dog eat poop? Yes very gross, but plant based nutrients found in poo have been pre-digested making it a very convenient meal for our canine friend.
It generally takes a dog around 8 hours to properly digest food whereas it can take humans up to 72 hours.

It’s worth understanding your dog’s digestive process as it’s such a key component of their overall health. This system has many vital functions, including taking in food, breaking the food down and absorbing the nutrients, taking in and absorbing water and electrolytes (essential minerals that help your dog’s body operate normally), and getting rid of waste products. The microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract even play a role in immune function. A tip-top digestive system not only makes for healthy poops; it’s essential for your dog’s happiness and well-being. When a dog chews, enzymes are released that’s why its always recommended to put an eye to serve food that’s lukewarm that’s chewable so that the enzymes are released while chewing. Dogs belong to the wild and if the food is served hot, it enhances the aroma of the food thereby encouraging them to eat.

1. The Importance of Balanced Diet

Rocky’s growth stages demanded a well-balanced diet. The transition from puppy food to adult dog food was critical. This shift highlighted the importance of adjusting diet according to age, activity level, and health needs – a principle equally applicable to humans. For adult dogs, the food should be served containing a right mixture of protein, carbs, veggies.

2. The Value of Consistency

Dogs thrive on routine, and so does their digestive system. Feeding Rocky at regular intervals stabilised his metabolism and energy levels. This consistency in meal times, portion sizes, and ingredients is something that can benefit human dietary habits too.

3. Quality Over Quantity

Selecting home made fresh food made me realise the importance of ingredient quality. Rocky’s coat became glossier, and his appetite and energy levels soared with better food choices. Similarly, choosing nutrient-dense foods over calorie-dense ones can significantly impact human health. At times, we feed him a a teasop

4. Hydration is Key

Monitoring Rocky’s water intake was crucial, especially during the summer months. This reminded me of the often-neglected aspect of hydration in human diets. Water plays a vital role in both digestion and overall bodily functions.

5. Listening to the Body

Rocky’s eating habits changed when he wasn’t feeling well. He’d eat less or avoid certain foods, signalling that something was amiss. This intuitive eating is something humans often overlook, where we ignore our body’s cues for hunger, fullness, or specific nutritional needs.

6. The Joy of Treats in Moderation

While Rockys loves his treats, moderation is key. Overindulgence leads to weight gain and health issues. Similarly, in human diets, treats and indulgences are enjoyable but should be consumed in moderation.

7. The Importance of Supplements.

While maintaining regular food is beneficial for health, supplementing with additional vitamins, minerals and essential required body oil is crucial for the development of the health. I feed him MyBeau’s Vitamins and Minerals and MyBeau’s Hair and Skin 2 teaspoon after lunch and dinner to maintain the quality of hair, skin and his overall health.


In conclusion, my two-year-old dog, Rocky, has unwittingly become a teacher in the art of nutrition. His dietary journey underscores the universal principles of a balanced diet, quality ingredients, routine, hydration, listening to one’s body, and the joy of moderation. Perhaps, sometimes the best lessons in life come not from textbooks or experts, but from our four-legged companions who share our lives.

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